Publications internationales
Assessment of a canine Hypersensitivity - Hyperactivity syndrome rating scale
Assessment of a canine Hypersensitivity - Hyperactivity syndrome rating scaleNathalie Marlois, Daniel Groux, Catherine Mege, Claude Béata, Guillaume Sarcey, Nicolas Massal, Sylvia Masson, Fabien Subtil, Muriel MarionRevue : Dog BehaviorRating scales have been used to evaluate Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in humans for many years, and ADHD rating scales modified for use in dogs, canis familiaris, have been validated and replicated. Still a canine ADHD syndrome has not been well-defined. To date, ADHD rating scales for dog have not been used to address the question of whether dogs with high scores demonstrate behavioural disorders.
Dog Behavior Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022) |
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