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Accueil veterinaires comportementalistes Congrès internationaux veterinaires comportementalistesESVCE Annual Congress - Ghent (Belgique) - 22 septembre 2006

ESVCE Annual Congress - Ghent (Belgique) - 22 septembre 2006


THEME: "Welfare – the science behind the art”

A one day behaviour medicine meeting will be held on September 22nd 2006 in Ghent (Belgium). The theme for the day will be “Welfare – the science behind the art” and the morning will consist of 45 minute presentations by invited speakers.

The afternoon will be divided into two sessions. The first will be devoted to 20 minute (15+5) presentations on the specific theme of “Welfare – the science behind the art” and it is hoped that papers will be submitted by those involved in both research and practice. The second session will consist of 20 minute (15+5) free communications relating to any aspect of companion animal behaviour practice or research. The AGM of ESVCE will be held at the end of the meeting.

If you wish to submit an abstract for consideration for a paper or poster in either of the short paper sessions please do so according to the following instructions:

  • All abstracts must be in English.
  • All abstracts must be no longer than 1 standard manuscript page (A-4 or 8.5 x 11 inches).
  • All abstracts must use font no smaller than 12 point.
  • All abstracts MUST include the following information on a separate cover page for the abstract:
    • All author’s names
    • Full addresses of all authors
    • Full telephone numbers of all authors
    • Full fax numbers of all authors
    • Full e-mail addresses of all authors
    • Title presentation
    • Source of funding, if any, for study
    • Information on preferred session:
      • Themed session - " Welfare – the science behind the art "
      • Free communications
    • Information on preferred format:
    • Presented paper
    • Poster
    • Either
  • 3 hard copies must be faxed, mailed, or sent as an e-mail attached document no later than March 15th 2006.
  • No abstracts in other formats will be accepted.
  • No anonymous abstracts will be accepted.
  • Participants will be notified by May 1st 2006 of the selections.
  • Manuscripts will then be due no later than July 1st 2006. Details will be included with notification.

Applicants whose abstracts are selected for talks or posters will receive complimentary registration to the 2006 Congress. Other registrants will be able to attend this meeting for a fee that covers the cost of attendance, coffee and tea breaks and lunch.

Fees for the congress will be announced shortly.

Send abstracts to:

ESVCE Annual Congress 2006
Tiny De Keuster
Oostveldkouter 222
B- 9920 Lovendegem
Tel: 0032- 93725008
Fax: 0032- 93726638




Conception, mises à jour : Karine SANCHE (KDJ Webdesign)

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